Student Research @ SJP
How We OperateThe heart of SJP Sci-Tech is student research. Students work alone or in a team on a project they want to build or an area they want to learn about.
Projects can be simple or really complex. Some students use this space to blog about their progress, some have built projects for the Massachusetts Science Fair, and others choose to build just for the fun of it. Either way, there's lots of valuable learning that happens through experiment, and we're here to support you! Check out what your classmates and students before you have done! |
Past Projects
What's cooking right now?
Chris has been a bright light this year for sure! One of our freshman members, Chris has been juggling two projects - a haptic feedback glove that can interact with video games, and this one, which uses an Arduino microcontroller to bring a stuffed animal to life - just in time for Halloween!
Another one of our super freshman - Ryley - has taken on this project - an electronic guitar tuner. Combining programming and breadboarding, this one would be a challenging and cool first build for many guys.
Many more ideas are in the works - stay tuned and watch our progress in this space!
Many more ideas are in the works - stay tuned and watch our progress in this space!