In-House Projects | Physics Olympics
Contests are open to anybody - usually, we'll swing some small cash prizes for the top three places to keep things fun. Winners are strongly encouraged to join the Physics Olympics team for a fun one-day competition in April of this year.
Pasta Car+Build a car out of pasta, roll it down a ramp, car that goes the farthest wins! Creative opportunities are endless; the materials list isn't. Pasta, hot glue (only "spot welding" is allowed) and olive oil are allowed.
Build Days: Monday 1/30 and Wednesday 2/2. Final Throwdown Monday 2/7/17. Contest Rules:
Fine print: First prize = $25 Amazon gift card, Second prize = $15 Amazon gift card, Third prize = $10 Amazon gift card |
Physics Video Contest Do you have an imaginative streak, and some talent with video editing?
Paper Airplane ContestBuild a paper airplane, powered only by a rubber-band launcher.
Laser MazeGuide a laser beam around a maze of mirrors and land it on the target. No building ahead is necessary, as this one is just for fun.